Competitive Team Contract
Our goal at DancEnergy is to provide a positive dance competition experience for everyone. We want to take a preventative approach to any issues that could potentially arise in a very busy and sometimes stressful time.
We firmly believe that competitive dance shapes dancers into well-rounded humans. Dancers learn many life skills far beyond all the dance tricks and skills that are taught in the studio.
Please read this contract thoroughly (dancers and parents), and sign and return it to the studio before our Competitive Showcase. We hope that this will ensure that everyone is on the same page with expectations as we enter our busy competition season for the first time in a few years!
We will have these contracts on hand at all times at competitions in case they need to be reviewed. This is to protect the well-being of dancers, parents, dance teachers and the competitions.
Parent Expectations
I will ensure that my child is on time, with all necessary costumes, accessories, shoes, and warm up gear with hair and makeup done. I am responsible for my child and all of their belongings. I understand that if we are late, it will have a negative impact on my child and their team members.
I will ensure that we clean up after ourselves at all performance venues.
I will support my child no matter what. I understand that I pay the studio to train and correct my dancer. My job is to be their #1 fan. I will not criticize, I will only cheer them on and support them.
I will treat other members of the studio with respect and kindness at all times. This includes teachers, staff, competition staff, dancers, parents and family members.
I will support and respect my child’s dance teachers. I understand that disrespecting my child’s teachers or any members of the studio face-to-face, via text or phone call, in front of a group or discussing the studio or it’s teachers in a negative way to others is not permitted.
I understand that my child's future at the studio may be affected if I challenge one of my child's dance teachers or treat them with disrespect. If the situation escalates, I may be asked to leave and not return.
⃞ I understand and agree with the parent expectations set out by DancEnergy for the Competitive Dance Season.
Print Name (First and Last) : _____________________________________________________
Sign Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________
Dancer Expectations
I will treat other dancers with respect.
I will treat my parents with respect.
I will treat my dance teachers with respect.
I will treat people from other studios with respect.
I will be quiet backstage.
I will come prepared to dance with a positive attitude.
I understand that it might be difficult if one of my teammates receives a higher mark than me. If I am upset, I will not take it out on my fellow teammates. I will look for support from my parents, and then remember that I did my best and I will continue to do my best.
I will treat the dance competition space with respect. I will leave our changing area cleaner than when we arrived.
⃞ I understand and agree with the dancer expectations set out by DancEnergy for the Competitive Dance Season.
Print Name (First and Last) : _____________________________________________________
Sign Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________